Superwool Pyro-Block Modules

Morgan Advanced Materials (Morgan) announces the availability of Superwool® Pyro-Bloc® modules for furnace and boiler lining systems, produced by its Thermal Ceramics business. The modules are manufactured in Asia, Europe and the newly-commissioned North American production line in Emporia, Kansas. The new production capability allows Morgan to better support its offerings in Pyro-Bloc modules utilizing the Superwool low bio-persistent, high-temperature fiber insulation technology.
Pyro-Bloc modules have set the standard for quality and versatility in furnace and boiler lining systems since their market introduction over 30 years ago. The only monolithic ceramic fiber modules on the market, Pyro-Bloc modules combine the insulation advantages of ceramic fiber with rapid furnace installation. Compared to standard folded modules, Pyro-Bloc modules feature higher density, better tolerance compliance and superior resistance to erosion from high-velocity gas. Pyro-Bloc modules are ideal for such applications as stack, flare and duct work linings, as well as kiln car block and seals, burner blocks and peep sights.