Registration Now Open for HARDI's Annual Conference: Legacy 2018
This year's event will occur Dec. 1-4 in Austin, Texas

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) has opened registration for its 2018 Annual Conference, Dec. 1-4 at the JW Marriott in Austin, Texas.
Along with the open registration announcement, HARDI revealed the theme of Legacy for this year's event.
"Legacy is very much a concept that resonates around the HARDI community," said CEO Talbot Gee. "It’s so important to honor those who came before us and built our industry up from nothing. And we honor them by acknowledging those accomplishments but also by inspiring this current generation to take our industry into a new era and create a legacy of their own."
HARDI hopes to achieve another record attendance in 2018.
"I’m especially excited for Legacy 2018, because I wanted to have a focused organizational goal this year of improving HARDI members' recruitment efforts for younger team members," said Troy Meachum, 2018 HARDI president. "This is my generation’s opportunity to not only cement our own legacies but empower new talent to start building their own legacies."
The three content tracks built into this year's Legacy theme are Explore, Execute, and Expand. Additional bonus content for this year's event will also be announced over the next several weeks.
"HARDI’s leadership worked extremely hard and brainstormed extensively before we landed on our final conference theme of Legacy," said Chris DeBoer, director of marketing & sales, HARDI. "This is a departure from some of our previous conference themes but speaks to the foundations on which our members' businesses were built: hard-work, strong organizational culture, and the ability to adapt. We pay homage to the past but look to forge ahead into the future with this year's theme."
Registration for the annual conference and more information can be found at
Publication date: 07/11/18