From the age of 16, Brady Grimme has been loading and unloading trucks, pulling orders, and helping customers at Commercial Specialists Inc., his family’s business.

Leading up to his graduation from Ohio Northern University, the company was dealt a major blow when a large manufacturer pulled its equipment line.

“It was of no fault of our own, but certain circumstances led to this decision,” said Grimme. “Our company was truly in a major transitional period, and I simply asked my dad, ‘What in the world can I do to help you out?’ Having worked in the warehouse for so many summers, I knew a lot about the parts and supplies we carried, but I didn’t know anything about how they made up an HVAC system.”

With the help of his dad and some of the company’s employees, Grimme got up to speed as quickly as he could on all of the lines the company carried and hit the road attempting to sell the equipment to contractors.

He’s worked in sales ever since.

“When working in sales, communication skills are invaluable,” said the now 35-year-old Grimme. “Each customer may require you to adapt and communicate a little differently. It’s important to communicate your ideas clearly, effectively, and carefully. Time management is another important skill that I have learned over the years. It’s important to be organized and plan out your days effectively. Being constantly in and out of the office, it can be difficult to keep everything straight if you are always scrambling and out of sorts.”

Looking back at his career, Grimme most cherishes the relationships he’s built with customers and employees.

“There are some really great people in the HVACR industry,” he said. “If you want to be successful in this industry, it can’t be just about ‘moving boxes.’ You must get to know your customer’s on a professional and personal level. What helps build these relationships is supporting your customers by standing behind the products we sell.”

Regardless if he’s punched in or off the clock, Grimme retains a fast pace in everything he does.

“I’ve completed two full marathons and a half ironman triathlon,” Grimme said. “I used to enjoy playing basketball, but several knee injuries have forced me to reconsider playing sports, so I’m turning myself into a golfer. I also enjoy snowboarding, running, weight lifting, hot yoga, and just being active in general. As of late, my time is spent trying to keep up with my 2 ½-year-old son, Charlie, and a 2-month-old son, Sam. I also really enjoy spending quality time with my wife, Kim, my family, and seeing my nieces & nephews.

Looking forward, Grimme said it would be an honor to eventually lead the company his grandpa founded.

“This is just still the beginning for me,” he said. “I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead and working hard to make sure smaller distributors have a role in the HVACR world going forward. It’s my hope to continually improve myself personally and professionally to make myself into the very best version of myself.”

Publication date: 08/15/18


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