Health problems caused by indoor air pollutants, such as mold, CO, and pet dander, continue to draw concern among homeowners. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), each year, more than 7 million people across the globe die because of exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution. Of those 7 million premature deaths, 3.8 million are caused by exposure to indoor air pollution.

As an industry, we have an obligation to consider home health and IAQ as a primary driver in any home ventilation plan. While exterior pollutants, such as smog and CO, may receive more attention, IAQ within a home can have serious effects on our physical and mental health, as well. Unsettling as it may sound, our home could actually be making us sick, leaving builders and manufacturers vulnerable to damaging and costly reputational harm and possible litigation. Here are common unresolved issues that lead to IAQ problems and “sick homes.” Contractors who focus on these issues will build better relationships with their customers and earn the wordof- mouth advertising that is sure to increase their bottom lines.

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Publication date: 11/12/2018

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