ARLINGTON, Va. — ACCA announced Sean Robertson as ACCA’s new vice president of membership and business operations, and Todd Washam as vice president of public policy and industry relations.

Sean Robertson comes to ACCA with more than fifteen years of experience leading advocacy and member engagement efforts at the Alzheimer’s Association, the Land Trust Alliance, and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. In each role, he was involved in peer-to-peer engagement, coordinated chapter networks, and personalized recognition to scale up membership and advocacy engagement.

Robertson will oversee ACCA’s membership recruitment and member services, refocusing product development, business and technical training programs, contractor accreditation, and events to more directly serve the needs of ACCA member contractors.

Todd Washam, who has been with ACCA since 2016, previously served as director of industry and external relations. In this role, he managed ACCA’s state and intergovernmental relations activities and served as ACCA’s chief spokesperson. As vice president of public policy and industry relations, Washam will oversee ACCA’s public policy, political action campaigns, communications, and corporate program.

Prior to joining ACCA in 2016, Washam served for two members of Congress for more than ten years. He managed the energy and environment legislative portfolio and foreign policy and infrastructure issues for Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI). Prior to this role, Washam worked for Rep. Henry J. Hyde (R-IL) on the House International Relations Committee.

“As part of ACCA’s strategic plan, we are realigning staff positions to ensure each member of our team is best positioned to serve ACCA members,” said Barton James, ACCA president and CEO. “ACCA will be focusing membership programs on building strong local and regional networks to ensure ACCA is closely connected to contractors in their communities. We are laser focused on providing the resources, content, and personalized service that HVAC contractors need to be more productive, mitigate risk, and increase their bottom lines. 2019 is a year of change for ACCA and I’m excited to work with every member of our staff, our board of directors, and committee volunteers as we prepare ACCA to serve today’s and tomorrow’s contractors.”

Publication date: 5/22/2019


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