Posifa Technologies: Air Velocity Sensors
Company: Posifa Technologies Inc.
Product: PAV1000 Series
Description: Measuring air velocity at 7 m/s (PAV1005V) and 15 m/s (PAV1015V), this series of devices offers fast response times that are typically 125 ms. These products were designed as economical, high-performance air velocity sensors for thermal management and filter monitoring in space-constrained locations such as rack enclosures with air cooling in data centers. The Posifa MEMS sensor core is minimally affected by ambient temperature changes and provides instant real-time feedback on proper airflow at critical locations. The series offers an output voltage range from 0 VDC to 4.5 VDC, supply voltage from 5 VDC to 5.5 VDC, and supply current of 20 mA. The devices operate over a temperature range of minus 25 ° to 85 °C. In HVAC applications, air velocity measurements can be used to determine when filters need to be replaced. This ensures hardware is adequately protected during heavy use while allowing customers with light usage requirements to benefit from extended change intervals.
Contact: 408-392-0989; www.posifatech.com; eProduct 181
Publication date: 5/27/2019
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