Company: Huntington Fusion Techniques HFT®
Product: QuickPurge® Systems
Description: Ranging from 6- to 88-inch pipes, this product is designed to reduce the space necessary for purging. It has an additional gas input line, which means extra purge gas can be introduced. This achieves a faster purge, down to the lowest oxygen levels, which is ideal for larger-diameter pipes where quality welds are required. Zero color welds can be achieved and there is no loss of corrosion-resistance caused by oxidation. Using IntaCal® combined with the integrated PurgeGate® device makes it possible to safely inflate the dams with argon gas, for purging the space between the dams where the weld joint is located. With PurgeGate®, burst dams are prevented in the event of undue pressure increase or accidental flow increase of the purging gas. All systems are manufactured as standard with a hose for connecting a Weld Purge Monitor® to, which can read oxygen levels down to as low as 10 ppm, depending on the model.
Contact: 800-431-1311,, eProduct 181
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