Company: PCE Instruments™

Product: PCE-TC 24

Description: Measuring temperature within a range of minus 20° to 380 °C, this product displays the temperature as real images with a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels and infrared images with a resolution of 33 x 33 pixels. The backlit LCD also allows measurements in dark environments. It can detect thermal bridges or hot parts, which allows users to discover thermal problems in electrical systems, to locate mechanical failure, arrange the needed maintenance work, and save energy. The product continuously measures the maximum and minimum temperatures of the object to be measured and shows their exact locations. The emissivity — value that defines how easily a material or an object exchanges thermal radiation with its environment — can be set in to a value within the range of 0.1 to 1. Additionally, the integrated memory function allows documentation and archiving. The BMP files can then be read out via microSD card or USB.

Contact: 561-320-9162,, eProduct 189

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