In this month’s troubleshooting situation, you are responding to a customer’s complaint that their walk-in cooler “isn’t cooling enough.” The history of this R-134a equipment is that a sealed system repair was accomplished the previous week.
Upon your arrival, you confirm the following:
- Airflow through both the evaporator and condenser coil is normal.
- The discharge pressure is higher than it should be for normal operation.
- The equipment is not achieving its designed box temperature.
As your next step, you decide to disable the compressor, allowing the condenser fan motor to continue to operate, and you check the temperatures indicated in Figure One, along with the refrigerant system pressure. After allowing the temperatures to stabilize, your tests show the following results:
- The temperature of the air entering the condenser, the discharge line into the condenser, and the liquid line, are all holding within a fraction of a degree near 86°F.
- Your pressure gauges shows 116 PSIG, which you convert to a temperature using a P/T chart.
Your troubleshooting question: What condition did your temperature tests, and pressure test and conversion prove?
Compare your answer with ours here.
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