Company: Victaulic

Product: Victaulic Tools for Revit® Add-in

Description: This add-in helps improve BIM workflows through the use of its newly enhanced fabrication and routing tools. The product is now compatible with additional software and programs, including GTP Stratus, 3DPP, and PypeServer, which enables digital communication of pipe cuts, effectively reducing manual input during the transition from design to fabrication. A sample of the suite of new fabrication tools includes Package Manager, Sequence Manager, and Auto Assembly. The new routing tools are aimed at increasing productivity by allowing customers to, among other things, create customized templates and improve pipe routing across trades. A sample of the latest routing and design tools include Systemizer, Pipe Rack Tool, Component Bank, Tap Creator, and Project Maintenance. A free 30-day trial of the Victaulic Tools for Revit® add-in is immediately available for digital download.

Contact: 610-559-3300,, eProduct 187

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