Titan Tool Supply Inc.: Video Borescopes

Company: Titan Tool Supply Inc.
Product: TVSH-35 HD Videoscope
Description: This product series is designed for on-site inspections or maintenance and repair. The product features a mechanized joystick that uses input to control the camera articulation and ensure smooth, accurate control of the four-way articulating tip, with immediate response to the joystick inputs. This allows the camera tip to be steered through narrow bores, channels, and complex curves. Diameters are available in 3.8mm and 6mm in lengths of 1.5m (59 inches), 3m (118 inches), and 5m (197 inches) for each. The probe length is 15mm, and the bending angle is >/= 190° for all models. It features a 3.5-inch monitor with image resolution of 1,280 x 720 pixels. Field of view is 120° and depth of view is 10mm to 80mm. A durable, protective case has precision-cut inserts for safe carrying and storage.
Contact: 716-873-9907, info@titantoolsupply.com, www.titantoolsupply.com, eProduct 181
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