RICHARDSON, Texas — To help homeowners, Lennox is extending its Friends and Family rebate on IAQ equipment to those on the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis. Until June 12, first responders and frontline workers will receive the same rebate offered to family members of Lennox employees on PureAir, PureAir S, and MERV 11, 13 or 16 filter and cabinet ensembles.

Lennox leadership also understands the position dealers are in right now. To help its dealers, Lennox is providing consistent guidance about how to communicate to homeowners, including reassuring them that their health and safety is top of mind and describing the extra precautions dealers are taking during this time. Lennox wants to help by providing the same guidance to your readers across the country.

A few pieces of advice from Lennox for dealers includes:

  • Before a technician arrives at a home, have the office send a text message or email with the technician’s name, expected arrival time and a little information about the technician as a pre-introduction to the homeowner.
  • During the visit, communicate findings via text or email.
  • After the visit, eliminate the need to handle cash by either using tap-to-pay from a phone or have the office send an invoice so that a homeowner can call and authorize an electronic payment.

Finally, Lennox understands these are unique, uncertain times, and so released a new video to encourage both homeowners and dealers to acknowledge that all this time at home keeps us closer to what matters most to us.

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