Climate control for any grow situation is important. From marijuana crops to livestock barns, each application has its own set of special IAQ needs. When contractors start to work with these types of facilities, there are multiple considerations for successful product installs. One of those is facility location. Regional temperatures and humidity, for example, will dictate if evaporative cooling is acceptable or if another source of heating and cooling must be applied.
Other considerations for indoor agriculture and livestock are the type of building being used and its construction materials. These environmental factors will impact how the air reacts to different stimuli, including plants, soil, animals, water, and feed. Internal sources of heat gain must also be calculated, accounting for lights, people, and equipment; sources of moisture must also be considered. In essence, the contractor has a new set of building occupants to make comfortable, and it is no longer humans in an agricultural or livestock facility.
The following products are some examples of items that can be used in diverse applications for the environmental controlling of these facilities.
The IntelliClimate automatically manages all aspects of grow room climate controls, from temperature to CO2 to lighting to humidity, all in one controller. Designed specifically for the indoor grower, this product has nine outputs to 24VDC and RH resolution ±2 percent. Ratings of individual outputs are 3 amps, but the total draw from all nine outputs must not exceed the rating of the supply adapter. The CO2 resolution and accuracy is 50ppm. It features built-in failsafes to ensure the room will continue to function if there is an equipment failure. Alarms are available on all settings, including an intruder alarm. The outside temperature sensor can be used with IntelliClimate to monitor outside temperatures. This is important if the application uses outside air to cool the room down. In warm climates, it is sometimes too warm to bring outside air in, so the unit will need to switch over to air conditioning. The light overtemp switch is useful where air-cooled lights are used. If the light-cooling fans fail and the room starts to overheat, the sensor contacts will open, the light is turned off, and the alarm is triggered.
Osborne Industries Inc.
Agri-Aide Ventilation is a full line ventilation system for hog barns, pig production facilities, and other livestock housing. It includes fans, air intakes, ventilation controls, and specialized ventilation accessories. The company can use these products to deliver an integrated combination of exhaust fans, fresh inlets, circulation fans, and reliable automatic controls that match the building and the animals that are being managed. One of the primary controls family is the e-VENT™ line of integrated controls. The product can accomodate up to 11 different pre-programmed stages. Exhaust and circulation fans, heaters, air conditioners, misters, and curtains can all be integrated into one complete ventilation control, ensuring safe, comfortable animal growth. It features up to three variable speed stages, an EnergyMizer™ option for integrating air conditioning, automatic temperature ramping, and a two-knob data entry function. Its PowerUp™ temperature tracking and auto-off features protect animals from chilling if the temperature drops too low.
Used in vertical grow rooms to provide ultrasonic humidification, the company’s direct room humidifiers (DRH) provide a clean, efficient, and precise humidity control solution. DRHs are designed for stand-alone room applications. They are typically mounted on a perimeter wall serving the grow space, or in an environment — such as dispensaries — where precise humidity control is required.
The Stulz E2 Microprocessor controller allows integrated control operation of up to 16 humidifiers per grow room. This product produces 90 percent smaller droplets than nozzles. The adiabatic humidification process requires less than 7 percent of the energy required to boil water into steam using infrared technology. Features include mixed-bed deionization water treatment systems, and 100 percent of the demineralized water in the humidifier is utilized and does not require a flush cycle. Low operational expense helps shorten return on investment. The Stulz Ultra-Series proportional controller is engineered for single- or multiple-humidifier systems. It adds needed moisture in clone rooms.
The Surna ductless fan coil is a dual-chilled water fan coil, low-profile ceiling-hung unit that provides multidirectional airflow in the canopy. The unit is designed to treat the air in the space where it is installed, eliminating the need for ductwork. With minimal installation requirements, the product allows for a solution that can be deployed relatively quickly. Additionally, multiple fan coils are typically installed in a single grow room, providing inherent redundancy for the facility. Maintenance requirements are minimal, and there are very few components that can fail, which translates to more reliability for the grow.
When used as part of a chilled water heating and cooling system in a grow room, Surna’s ductless fan coil provides efficient cooling and dehumidification due to enhanced sensible heat ratios to a facility of any size. These units are small, versatile, and easy to install, requiring only a connection to chilled water and power to begin cooling. This ductless fan coil is designed specifically for open floor plans and cannabis cultivation environments. An easily replaceable Can-Fan component allows for easy maintenance and cleaning. The bi-directional discharge airflow eliminates the need for ducting to get optimal air movement when incorporated into a proper design.
American Coolair Corporation
Suitable for poultry, dairy, pig, and greenhouse facilities, the Doublestack Evap Pad Cooling System features the company's open-top distribution system. It is available in heights from 7 to 12 feet. The product includes rigid pad supports that completely bear the weight of the upper Evap Pads, keeping them securely in place. This prevents the weight of the upper pads from causing the lower pads to sag.
Modular Doublestack systems are available in lengths up to 60 feet and come standard with a PVC water return trough and PVC sump. Tank systems are available from 50 feet to 100 feet in length and require a separate sump tank to be purchased locally.