OSLO, Norway — Condair and Airthings are supporting Dr. Stephanie Taylor, in her petition to have the World Health Organization (WHO) review the evidence related to indoor humidity and health, and set guidelines on a minimum lower limit for public buildings. Dr. Stephanie Taylor is an infection control consultant at Harvard Medical School, a member of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Group.

"The scientific and healthcare communities are urging the WHO to recommend a change in building codes,” said Oliver Zimmermann, CEO of Condair Group AG. “The petition puts the link between indoor air humidity and the transmission of viruses such as influenza at the front of the global health debate. Requesting that the WHO produce clear guidelines on the minimum lower limit air humidity in buildings would contribute to reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses and protect people globally."

“It was an easy decision for Airthings to support the 40-60%RH petition, as we are acutely aware of the threats that poor humidity levels can inflict on our health,” Airthings CEO Oyvind Birkenes said. “Airthings' mission is to increase awareness about the impact of indoor air quality, and help people protect their health through simple, affordable, and accurate monitoring solutions. In this current time, people everywhere are spending more time indoors than ever before, making it especially pertinent to raise our standards of air quality regulation in public places worldwide. That’s what we hope to accomplish by supporting this initiative.”

The petition is available to be signed at https://www.40to60RH.com

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