It is with great pride that The ACHR NEWS honors the winning products and manufacturers of the 2020 Dealer Design Awards, which honors exemplary manufacturing and design. Ninety-three products competed for a spot, and the quick-reference chart below identifies the winners at a glance.
“These awards give us a unique opportunity to recognize the outstanding research and development efforts that go into many of the products serving the HVACR industry, and the awards issue gives our readers an opportunity to read about innovative installation and service solutions,” said Mike Murphy, publisher of The ACHR NEWS.
Manufacturers from across the globe submitted detailed information, photos, and videos to share full story about their products, which were then anonymously scored by a panel of contractor judges from ACCA, along with other industry members. In order to be eligible, the products must have been introduced to the market after Jan. 1, 2019, and be available to the market as of the printing of this issue.
Special coverage of all the Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners fills the pages of this issue. Congratulations to the winning manufacturers as well as the contractors and technicians who use these products. Those in the field are the true winners as HVAC manufacturers strive for design excellence.