STAFFORD, Va. — The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) announced the postponement of The Sprayfoam ShowOriginally scheduled for February 2021, the alliance has moved the annual event to February 28 - March 3, 2022.  The 2022 event will be held in San Antonio, Texas.

“The Sprayfoam Show is the largest event of its kind in the U.S. and the industry’s contractors, manufacturers, and stakeholders really look forward to attending each year,” said Bryan Heldreth, president of the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance. “Unfortunately, with so much uncertainty still surrounding COVID-19, we felt it was best to prioritize the health of our members and industry colleagues and postpone an event of this size until 2022.”

 Attendees of The Sprayfoam Show 2022 will explore the latest developments in spray polyurethane foam, including solutions for maximizing energy efficiency and achieving Zero Net Energy in residential and commercial building projects. The latest in high-performance insulation, roofing, and specialty products and applications will be highlighted. Attendees will learn about the opportunities and challenges affecting their business and the industry at large. The event will also showcase installation best practices and provide meaningful networking opportunities with industry leaders, customers, and peers.

The Sprayfoam Show 2022 will be held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center located at 900 E. Market Street in San Antonio. The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance will provide hotel and registration information in 2021. Event speakers and sessions, as well as the full agenda, will also be provided closer to the event.

 “We understand that there may be some disappointment surrounding the date change for this event, however the safety of our attendees must take precedence,” said Rick Duncan, executive director of the SPFA. “We are currently looking at options for hosting a few smaller regional events in 2021 that will keep attendee numbers at a safer and more manageable level, while giving our members the ability to meet and learn from one another. Keep watch for announcements about these smaller events in the coming months.”

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