BELLEVILLE, N.J. — During the initial stages of the pandemic, Get My Parts hosted a number of webinars to help HVAC vendors, manufacturers, and suppliers manage operations and increase sales with minimal disruption. The major concern expressed by those attending these webinars was how to sell their overstock, already piling up since the beginning of the pandemic.
“Brick and mortar supply places should look to minimize overall disruption by shifting to online management of sales and orders,” said the CEO and founder of Get My Parts, Chris Wisniewski, in a webinar. “They can streamline processes for future business and cut costs by limiting face-to-face customer operations.”
Wisniewski saw the need to build a dedicated listing platform. Get My Parts helps HVAC businesses optimize their operating costs and reach more customers.
The platform has not only been designed to reach a wider audience but also provides HVAC businesses with a contactless way to operate and increase sales during the pandemic.
Get My Parts is a dedicated online HVAC business listing platform where contractors can start listing HVAC parts and services immediately.
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