Company: The Whalen Company

Product: Hot Gas Reheat

Description: The Closetline Hot Gas Reheat series utilizes a compact cabinet. The Closetline series exceeds the ASHRAE 90.1 minimum efficiency and utilizes R-410A refrigerant to reduce operating costs without compromising the environment. Hot Gas Reheat is used for humidity control and for occupant comfort. By redirecting exhaust heat from the compressor to the reheat coil, the system can operate to remove unwanted moisture. The integrated reheat coil is used to add sensible heat to the air stream to maintain the temperature setpoint and occupant comfort. The Hot Gas Reheat System increases efficiency by eliminating the need for a separate unit to dehumidify the air, thereby reducing overall energy usage. The product features available in sizes 0.5 to 5.0 nominal tons, single-stage operation up to 17.0 EER, horizontal or vertical configuration, compact footprint with easy service access, open or closed loop applications, and hybrid heating and cooling operation, with the CuNi heat exchanger available.

Contact: 410-822-9200,, eProduct 181

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