Company: Klein Tools
Product: HVAC Clamp Meter
Description: The CL440 HVAC Clamp Meter is a clamp meter with automatically ranging true root mean square (TRMS) for maximum accuracy. The digital clamp measures 600.0 AC current and inrush current. Test leads measure 750V AC/600V DC voltage, DC micro amp, resistance, continuity, frequency, duty-cycle, capacitance, and diode tests. The product can be used with a magnetic hanger for hands-free operation. It features a K-Type thermocouple port for measuring temperature from -328° to 2462°F, backlit LCD with dual V + A function to allow simultaneous viewing of voltage and current measurements, and a dedicated mode for capturing DC micro amp and inrush current. Users can detect AC current with non-contact voltage tester integrated into the clamp jaw.
Contact: 800-553-4676,, eProduct 187
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