Name: Joshua Henshaw
Title: Senior HVAC Technician
Why He’s Tech of the Month: Many kids grow up wanting to be doctors and lawyers. Joshua Henshaw wanted to work in HVAC, and that’s just what he’s doing. Henshaw’s career inspiration came at a young age, when he would listen to his uncle who worked for a refrigeration company.
“He was always raving about the trades,” Henshaw said.
Henshaw attended a vocational high school and then went to work for an HVAC contractor right after graduation. He did the usual apprentice work, grabbing tools for veteran technicians. Last year, he joined Boston Standard in Mattapan, Massachusetts, as senior HVAC technician.
The firm offers electrical and plumbing services as well as HVAC. That diversity attracted Henshaw. He would like to enter sales or even start his own business at some point in the future and appreciates the opportunity to learn about different trades.
For now, he spends his days running four or five service calls. Henshaw said Boston Standard ensures the techs have enough time to do the job right and build a relationship with the customer. He enjoys the challenge each call brings.
“You never work on the same thing twice,” Henshaw said. “It’s always sort of a puzzle.”
Laura Wood, Boston Standard’s chief operating officer, said Henshaw is always thinking of ways to solve customers’ problems in the most effective and efficient manner. Wood said he is also always willing to go the extra mile for a customer. One day last winter, Henshaw was working late on a call when another no-heat call came in on the other side of town. Henshaw wasn’t on-call that weekend, but he still made the trip, having the foresight to bring along space heaters. That proved a wise decision, as the needed parts weren’t available until the next morning.
“Josh excels every day for every customer,” Wood said. “He communicates options to customers in a clear manner and will take that extra step and time needed on each interaction to make every appointment an above-and-beyond experience for each customer.”
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