Event: How to Win at Buzzword Bingo and to Succeed in the Age of AI within the World of HVACR

Presented By: AHR Expo

Speakers: Nicolas Waern

Date: January 31, 2022

Start Time: 1:00 PM

Location: N243

Description: If we fast forward 100 years into the future we will hopefully see that we have done things differently. Education will be different, and there will most likely be a higher degree of digitization. But who are the ones that will make this happen? Why? How? And most of all when?

We will go through the drivers for change in the industry and how to see change as something positive.

  • Demystify Buzzword Bingo
  • Ways to mitigate the skill-shortage gap
  • Identify global trends

Description of event courtesy of AHR Expo website.