Company: Green Link
Product: Heavy Pipe KnuckleHead and Lite Pipe Support Cap
Description: KnuckleHead Heavy Pipe Supports are designed for a wide variety of roof support applications including natural gas and water pipelines, and other types of pipes up to 3 inches outside diameter pipe size (2.5-inch nominal). KnuckleHead Lite Pipe Supports are designed for a wide variety of roof applications including PVC, condensation pipes, electrical conduit, and other types of lines. The KnuckleHead Lite Pipe System can support a single 1.315-inch outside diameter pipe (1-inch nominal) or two 0.840-inch outside diameter pipes (½-inch nominal). KnuckleHead extensions are available for raising roof-mounted pipes and equipment to higher elevations up to 18 inches.
Contact: (888) 672-9897;; eProduct 182
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