FAIRVIEW, Texas — Jacob Scheffel and his wife are the owners of a small firm in Stevensville, Montana which installs and services waste oil furnaces and boilers throughout Montana. On June 12, 2021, Jacob incurred a T4 complete spinal cord injury while riding his dirt bike. His spinal cord injury would allow him to drive his 2019 Toyota Tundra, only he needed $20,000 of modifications to make that a reality. Jacob learned of the Joseph Groh foundation through a mobility company in Missoula, and he petitioned the foundation for assistance. The foundation was able to provide the majority of the required funding for the seat transfer system and wheelchair lift, while another foundation provided a small grant for the driving controls. The provision of these modifications will allow Jacob to be more independent. In addition, it will allow the husband and wife duo to keep their 4WD Tundra, which is important during Montana winters!