Victoria Thompson
With nearly 10 years of experience in the HVAC business, Victoria Thompson has an extensive background in the field.
Her journey began in 2012, with a role as the office manager for a contractor in the Chicago Metropolitan area. Victoria was part of the company’s transition from primarily installing central heating and cooling systems to converting over half of its business to residential variable refrigerant flow (VRF). Inspired by the newness and innovation of VRF, Victoria was eager to continue working with and advocating for the new technology. At the time, this had meant leaving everything familiar behind to move across the country to the markets that were spearheading VRF growth, changing her and her daughter’s lives.
As senior account manager on the residential side of LG’s Air Conditioning Technologies business, Victoria plays a key role in driving new business for the company through a customer-oriented approach, strategic interdepartmental partnership, strong industry relationships, and customer engagement and expansive product and market knowledge. Bringing a fresh perspective, Victoria is keen on promoting a holistic approach to sales, one that breaks down organizational barriers and pushes for cross-functional collaboration to meet customer needs.
“I am fortunate to work amongst leaders who are passionate about mentoring and developing their teams, which involves interdepartmental collaboration and a fierce devotion to aligning the channel,” Victoria said. “Therefore, my goals include continuing to work on and lead projects that involve more interdepartmental collaboration, sales training, and new go to market strategies.”