Amanda Triolo
HVAC is a fast-moving industry at times. That is something you don’t need to tell Amanda Triolo.
In 2016, she took over an HVAC contracting business that was commercial install only. Keeping the pipeline full was the goal to keep the money flowing and workers moving. Fast forward to 2020, COVID hit and two weeks later, the governor of New York shut down construction sites.
“We immediately pivoted to residential home services and the rest is history. I’ve learned you can do one of two things in life. You can sit back and let life happen to you, or you can stand up, fight, and find a way. We found a way forward,” Amanda said. “Within just eight months, we rebranded and restructured our entire company, culture, and operations. Grasshopper Heating & Cooling was born on February 1, 2021.”
In just the first year, the company has seen massive growth. It grew from six vehicles to 16 and has increased revenue by over 3,000% in the residential market.
On a monthly basis, Amanda’s team organizes a day-long event that allows her team members to let loose, take a break from the daily grind, and enjoy the company of their work family. On a weekly basis, every Tuesday morning, Amanda hosts “Tuesdays with Grasshopper.” She provides a catered breakfast for her employees as they come together before the work day to have a motivational team bonding session.
“My goal is to grow Grasshopper so that my employees can benefit from a lifetime career that they can look back on with pride and satisfaction,” Amanda said.