SEATTLE Business Development Resources (BDR), a training and business coaching source for home services industry professionals, will host its first in-person BDR University event in more than two years, in Raleigh, North Carolina, in November.

Creating the Next Generation of Company Managers, a two-day live training scheduled for Nov. 2-3, is designed to help HVAC contractors position new leaders for success by preparing them for the transition from employee to management.

“Becoming a new manager is a challenge that requires new skills, new learning, and a new approach,” said BDR head coach Chris Koch, who will lead Creating the Next Generation of Company Managers. “Simply promoting your top-performing technician, installer, or salesperson without training will not get the job done and only sets the employee and company up to fail. New relationships and dynamics demand new skill sets and strategies. Implementing steps to help new managers understand and embrace their new role offers long-term benefits that more than make up for the minor investment involved.”

During Creating the Next Generation of Company Managers, Koch will introduce essential skills and principles that help employees successfully navigate the transition to management, including how to:

  • Understand the difference between employees and managers and their roles in a company; 
  • Manage new expectations from employees, co-workers, and business owners;
  • Implement time management, delegation, and prioritization strategies;
  • Develop an improved understanding of the profit and loss statements and how to calculate break-even and gross profit rates;
  • Measure success using the key financial metrics of installation and service; and
  • Build a positive team culture. 

Koch is a team-building leader with nearly three decades of hands-on experience in the HVAC industry, ranging from startups to companies with $60 million in sales.

For information about Creating the Next Generation of Company Managers, visit