Tips for Improving Boiler Efficiency, Reducing Operating Costs, and Keeping Your Boiler Room Safe

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Manufacturer's report courtesy of Goodway Technologies
STAMFORD, Conn. — Goodway Technologies is sharing best practices and reminders for performing boiler cleaning as well as tips to help keep your boiler room safe. It is important to ensure equipment is operating correctly and efficiently prior to the heating season. As one of the larger contributors to a facility’s expenses, it is critical to incorporate preventative measures into regular maintenance and cleaning plans.
Boiler tube cleaning plays a critical role in preventing a reduction in efficiency. Even a small amount of deposit or buildup can act as an insulation barrier, which reduces efficiency and increases the amount of required fuel. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, even 1/32” of scale buildup on the waterside of the tubes can increase energy costs by an estimated 2%, resulting in tens of thousands of dollars in fuel costs.
“From increases in energy costs to preventable repairs or equipment replacement, your bottom line can be significantly impacted if a boiler isn’t properly cleaned and maintained on a consistent basis,” said Tim Kane, president and CEO of Goodway Technologies. “While boiler cleaning used to be a time-consuming job, the introduction of effective, user-friendly solutions for boiler cleaning makes the job easier, quicker and more effective.”
Here are some best practices for boiler cleaning and maintenance:
- Develop a Consistent Inspection and Maintenance Schedule — Qualified personnel, or a third party, should inspect and clean all parts of your boiler at least once a year. Make sure that boiler cleaning is included in the maintenance plan to stay proactive.
- Determine if Chemical and/or Mechanical Cleaning is Required — Mechanical cleaning removes scale with the use of tools like scrapers, brushes, or sandblasters. Chemical scale removal uses acids or another liquid descaler to dissolve the minerals through a chemical reaction between the scale and the liquid. The method used for cleaning, mechanical or chemical, differs depending on the thickness and type of deposits being removed. Goodway Technologies also offers a Boiler Cleaning Buying Guide to help select the best solution.
- Maintain Daily Logs — Collecting data in a daily log can help monitor for any changes that could impact efficiency or equipment failures, so that any issues can be addressed early. Keep daily logs on the following: type and amount of fuel used; flue gas temperature; makeup water volume; and steam pressure, temperature, and volume. Ongoing logs help indicate potential issues that could develop or highlight problems that may be fixed with the proper cleaning.
- Conduct Visual Inspections — If the boiler is shut down, a visual inspection can also be performed to determine the level of scale and soot on the boiler tubes to determine if cleaning is necessary.
Following these steps and incorporating preventative maintenance of boilers into regular maintenance plans is beneficial to keeping operational and maintenance costs down and keep a boiler operating at peak efficiency. There are a variety of boiler cleaning systems available to help meet specific needs. Factors such as the type of boiler, severity of the fouling that needs to be removed, and other system features can impact which solution is most appropriate.
Goodway Technologies also developed a “Boiler Safety Checklist” with recommendations on monthly tasks that can be implemented to reduce the chance of a boiler incident, create a safer environment, and improve overall efficiency.