Carrier: Zone Controls

Company: Carrier
Product: TruVu Zone HVAC Controllers
Description: Designed for pressure independent variable air volume (VAV) and pressure dependent variable volume and temperature (VVT) applications, the TruVu zone HVAC controllers feature built-in control programs that are engineered for efficiency, energy savings, and equipment performance. They also feature dual IP ports for high-speed BACnet/IP communication. Available in three versions — VAV Zone, VVT Zone and VVT Bypass — the new TruVu controllers provide zone-level temperature, humidity, and air quality control. They include an integrated actuator and can be field mounted on Carrier VAV and VVT air terminals. They are preprogrammed with equipment graphics, trends, and alarms for the i-Vu building automation system. The new TruVu controllers have been tested and certified by BACnet Testing Laboratories.
Contact: (800) 379-6484;
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