Metal roofing contractor installs roof for casino with unique building design

A Broken Arrow, Okla.-based roofing contractor was up to the challenge of performing the roofing installation work for an architecturally unique entertainment building.
Abbco Roofing completed the metal panel roof work for Cherokee Nation Entertainment’s 10,000-square-foot Ramona, Okla., casino, which included the installation of wall and soffit panels in a pattern that features multiple shades of red.
“The walls, as you can see, were ‘curvilinear,’ and both concave and convex in style. The reveal detail was the biggest challenge by far,” said Dave Stanley, owner of Abbco Roofing.
Stanley the roofing and wall installation process for the new casino was quite complex.
“The reveal detail looked like a hat channel recessed in the wall and had to curve with the wall. This could not be roll-formed,” he said. “We made the reveal in 10-foot lengths in the shop and then turned the hat up and saw-cut it to enable us to bend it to the wall. The bottom of the hat then showed the saw joints and we covered it with flat metal to conceal the joints.”