MultiCam Inc. has added this new Value-Series WaterJet to its product line. The company says the product makes waterjet cutting more economical. This pure water or abrasive cutting system features work surfaces up to 60 inches by 120 inches. Fully enclosed bellows protect both the Y and Z axes from abrasive garnet buildup. The X axis features dual drives and completely covered custom aluminum extrusions to keep all precision bearing surfaces clean during the cutting process. KMT’s new NeoLine direct-drive intensifier powers the V-Series WaterJet. The pump also is available in a single-phase electrical configuration, which makes it ideal for small shops without three-phase power.
MultiCam Inc., 1025 W. Royal Lane, DFW Airport, TX 75061; (972) 929-4070; fax (972) 929-4071;www.multicam.com.