Tjernlund Products Inc. has a brochure available about its AireShare line of transfer fans. The fans provide homeowners with an unobtrusive, cost-effective way to circulate heated or cooled air from fireplaces, stoves, electric baseboards, and split-system ductless air conditioning and window units to uncomfortable rooms. The brochure illustrates various ways the room-to-room fans can be installed. It also shows how the level-to-level units can transfer air from a lower to upper floor and vice versa. FanBrochure_IN

Also included in the AireShare brochure are accessories, model dimensions and model selection advice to determine the number of AireShare fans need for various size rooms.

 Tjernlund Products Inc.
1601 Ninth St.
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-6794
(651) 426-2993
Fax: ( 651) 426-9547