Millennial Net has released its third-generation wireless, standalone electric thermostat: Wi-Stat IIIe. This tool is designed for easy retrofit to existing HVAC infrastructures without disruptive and expensive rewiring. Wi-Stat IIIe replaces existing manual, analog or programmable thermostats and can support most single- or dual-stage conventional heating and cooling as well as heat pump systems.
It can be used as wireless thermostat in large, multi-zone HVAC environments as part of a centralized building automation system, and can also act as a digital programmable thermostat. Building owners can save on energy costs by using Wi-Stat IIIe thermostats as standalone programmable devices, company officials say. The tool is also compatible with building management systems including BACnet IP BAS, Modbus TCP/IP or Modbus RTU controllers and Millennial Net’s PC-based building energy management solution SEMS.
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