The Mechanical Contractors Association of
America is observing June's National Safety Month by releasing a safety bulletin
The Mechanical Contractors Association of America is
observing National Safety Month by releasing a safety bulletin series.
The first bulletin, “Heat-Related Health Problems,” which
has tips on helping contractors protect their workers, was just issued. Other titles
will be put out in coming days.
“Heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are the
most common heat-related health problems,” said Tom Skaggs, chairman of MCAA’s
Safety and Health Committee and vice president of safety for the Murphy Co. “Physical
work in non-air-conditioned facilities really takes a toll on mechanical
construction and service workers, especially in hot, humid summer weather.”
And repairing HVAC
systems this time of year is a big concern, added MCAA Director of Safety and
Health Pete Chaney.
“One of our biggest concerns is for the safety of
mechanical service technicians working on rooftop HVAC units on hot summer
days,” he said. “Keeping our service techs from becoming overheated is very
important, especially since they’re most often working alone.”
The bulletin is here.