The U.S House is likely to vote this week on an energy-policy bill this week that would allow regional standards for HVAC equipment.
The bill would also sharply raise mileage standards for automakers and encourage the use of alternative energies and fuels.
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America has long been opposed to the legislation, and is telling members to contact their representatives to urge a “no” vote on the bill. It would allow the U.S Energy Department to create different efficiency standards for furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps based on where they would be installed.
Equipment manufacturers currently work under one federal standard that pre-empts regional or state-specific requirements. ACCA officials worry regional standards could create a patchwork of difficult-to-meet rules, make some equipment scarce, and increase costs for consumers, manufacturers and distributors.
The bill is expected to be approved by the House this week. Its fate in the Senate and with President George Bush, who would have to sign the bill, is uncertain.