The American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers wants to know what you
think should be in a green-building manual.
The society is developing a
users manual to go with its upcoming standard 189.1P, “Standard for the Design
of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings,”
which will define what makes a building energy efficient.
ASHRAE is soliciting
comments until Nov. 9 at this Web site.
“The manual will provide
users with a better understanding of how to apply the standard, as well as
serve as a guide for self-education and training about the requirements and
appropriate strategies to meet them,” said Kent Peterson, chairman of the standard
189 committee. “It will include worksheets and examples that can be used to
determine compliance.”
The society is also looking
for input on a new users manual for the 2010 version of its standard 90.1,
which deals buildings other than low-rise residential structures. Comments can
be posted at the same Web site as the one dealing with the green manual.