The senators sit on the
Senate Finance Committee, which attempting to draft bipartisan health care
reform legislation.
The Sheet Metal Workers union has purchased radio advertising
targeting Republican and Democratic senators urging them to support a broad
overhaul of the nation’s health care system.
The ads, titled “Which Side are They On?,” are airing in the
districts of Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa),
Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), Blanche Lincoln
(D-Ark.) and Max Baucus (D-Mont.).
The senators sit on the Senate Finance Committee, which
attempting to draft bipartisan health care reform legislation.
to health care coverage is a major problem facing millions of American
families. That's why we support a strong public option, an employer
mandate and no tax on health care benefits," said Michael J. Sullivan,
the union’s general president. “It is imperative that these senators
serve the American people and not an industry which has thrown millions
of Americans into debt and ruin while reaping a 400 percent surge in
profits over the last 10 years."
Remaking the nation’s health
care industry and proving coverage to most of the estimated 45 million
Americans who lack
insurance is one of the top domestic policy goals of President Barack
However, deep disagreements among Democrats on what the reforms should
be and
how expanded coverage should be paid for, combined with near-unanimous
Republican opposition to current bills, has made winning passage
Baucus, the Senate committee's chairman,
has said he hopes to vote to send a bill to the floor by mid-September.
The president has said he wants to sign a bill into law by the end of
the year.