The 11,000-square-foot facility, which is 50 percent
larger than the one it replaced, includes stadium-style classroom seating.
Radiant HVAC
systems manufacturer Uponor Inc. opened a training center Feb. 16 adjacent to its
North American headquarters in Apple Valley, Minn.
The 11,000-square-foot
facility, which is 50 percent larger than the one it replaced, includes stadium-style
classroom seating, updated labs and a new cafeteria.
“When designing the new
factory training center, we kept the contractor at the forefront of our minds,”
said Steve Lockridge, senior product manager of channel marketing at
Uponor. “We wanted to offer our
business partners a comprehensive training experience that included
knowledgeable instructors, the latest technology and hands-on opportunities.”
Company officials add that the school’s curriculum has
also been updated.
realize the building landscape is changing with the introduction of sustainable
new concepts and changes to building codes and standards,” said trainer Wes
Sisco. “By offering new and advanced courses to navigate the contractor through
existing and emerging technologies, we are making a concerted effort to support
the industry professional and improve the building market.”