The Air Conditioning Contractors of America has produced its first Spanish language educational booklet.

"Instalación de Calidad, Usted debería recibir por lo que pago!," is the Spanish translation of the "Quality Installation, You should get what you pay for!" ComforTool brochure. The ComforTool series is designed to help ACCA members sell by educating customers on HVAC systems and contractors.

“There is a growing population of Spanish-speaking customers and to help contractors meet those customers’ needs, we decided to start translating some of our resources into Spanish,” said Paul T. Stalknecht, the ACCA’s president and chief executive. “We started with this ComforTool as it is one of the most downloaded by our contractor members. By making this information accessible to more homeowners, we are spreading the message that working with a professional contractor that follows the QI standard will provide the best possible outcome. This ComforTool, as well as the recently-released Spanish version of the ACCA 5 QI standard (available from ) will serve as an indicator to ascertain the level of interest in having other ACCA resources translated into Spanish.”

The full list of ComforTools is availablehere .