Ecobee Inc. has entered into a partnership with a Texas-based utility company to reduce peak electricity demand.
Under the program, Toronto-based Ecobee will remotely manage the Wi-Fi –enabled Smart Thermostats of Austin Energy customers from June through September. Participating customers will receive an $85 rebate for each Ecobee thermostat in the home.
“We’re really excited about working with Austin Energy as a utility partner,” said Stuart Lombard, President and CEO of Ecobee. “We have extensive experience in supporting North American utilities with innovative, energy-saving strategies and products, and it’s something that continues to be a major priority for our business.”
Austin Energy officials said they were excited about the test program.
“We feel that Ecobee and its smart thermostat products are a good fit as they’ll not only help us reduce the demands on our own system, but they’ll also give our customers a chance to save energy and be rewarded for their efforts,” said company spokesman Scott Jarman.