Contractors can sign up now for the ACCA’s second annual Building Performance Forum.

The Oct. 1-2 event at the Sheraton Austin hotel in Texas will have a number of sessions designed to help contractors boost their residential or commercial businesses.

The opening session, "The Dinosaur in the Room," will be given by Allison Bailes III, Ph.D., of Energy Vanguard. She will explain why contractors need to change the way they do business.

Other sessions will feature contractors from New York, Washington state, Oregon and Indiana.

"Last year's event was so successful and proved that there is a need for this kind of quality training in our industry," said Kevin Holland, the ACCA’s senior vice president of business operations and membership. "This year, we have filled the schedule with topics that contractors told us they need to know about to be successful in building and home performance. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn tried and true methods to grow their business in this thriving market segment from some of the contractors who were early adopters."

To register, call (703) 824-8856 or visit

The forum is co-sponsored by the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News, a sister publication of SNIPS.