ASHRAE to hold environmental quality webcast

ASHRAE has opened registration for its April 17 Internet seminar, “Buildings in Balance: IEQ and Energy Efficiency.”
The webcast will identify the link between energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality through the integrated design process,” said Andy Cochrane, chairman of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers’ Chapter Technology Transfer Committee, which is overseeing the event. “Participants will be able to recognize the importance of the four cornerstones of IEQ and explain how system selection can benefit energy efficiency and IEQ. The presenters will describe best practices for performance measurement protocols and explain the role of post occupancy evaluation in fine-tuning building performance. Viewers will also learn about the common design, commissioning and operational pitfalls of IEQ. ‘Buildings in Balance’ will describe how energy and efficiency can be achieved, without compromising IEQ.”
The seminar will run from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Details are available at