The RSES gave eight members certificate member status and one certificate member status between April and June.
The members had to pass an exam on HVAC construction service.
The new certificate members are: : Gary Edge of the Refrigeration Association of San Antonio Chapter, San Antonio; Richard L. Gillenwater of the Greater Cincinnati Chapter, Toledo, Ohio; Gregory M. Ward of the Greater Detroit Chapter, Detroit; Darryl Shepherd of the Central Kentucky Chapter, Lexington, Ky.; Melvin M. Harrell of the Arrowhead Chapter, Riverside, Calif.; Michael Belcher and Barry Crane of the Southwestern Virginia Chapter, Abingdon, Va.; and Donald J. Leonardi Jr. of the Member at Large Chapter, Colorado.
Earning certificate member specialist designation was David C. Christensen of the Mid West Chapter in Lohman, Mo.
The earn the specialist certification, the member had to pass the certificate member exam and then pass an additional test in commercial refrigeration, commercial air conditioning, heating, controls, domestic service, HVACR electrical, heat pumps and dynamic compression.
Christensen passed the domestic service exam.