Manufacturing Day is expanding its borders.
The Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters have joined the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association International in naming October as Manufacturing Month. The CME says it will urge members to offer tours and other events during the month to boost the profile of manufacturing careers.
“While the Manufacturing Day co-producers have, over the years, produced many helpful toolkits and guides for companies planning open house and other community events, we’re delighted to be collaborating with CME which has provided resources that speak to the unique needs of Canadian manufacturers,” said Ed Youdell, president and CEO of FMA. “It’s marvelous to be able to add all of the statistical information on manufacturing’s economic impact in Canada to the collected statistics from the U.S. and have a much broader picture of how manufacturing contributes to our North American lifestyles.”
U.S. Manufacturing Day sponsors include the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Manufacturing Institute and the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership.
“The skilled labor crisis exists on both sides of the border between our countries,” said Jeff Brownlee, vice president of Public affairs and business development at the CME. “We all need to focus on creating a showcase for manufacturing and encouraging young people to explore manufacturing careers if we are to keep this vital sector of our economies strong in the decades to come. Through this collaborative effort we can deliver the important messages with strength and clarity.”
In the U.S., Manufacturing Day will be held Oct. 2.