The National Association of Home Builders and the Associate Builders and Contractors sent well-wishes to President-elect Donald Trump today.
“Associated Builders and Contractors congratulates President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence and looks forward to working with this administration to craft policies rooted in free enterprise that will encourage open competition and result in greater business investment and more construction jobs,” said ABC President and CEO Michael Bellaman.
NAHB Chairman Ed Brady said it hoped Trump and Congress would enact policies both parties could support to solve issues facing the housing industry.
"Specifically, policymakers need to reform the regulatory process, ensure creditworthy home buyers and small businesses can get mortgages and loans, protect the mortgage interest deduction and expand the low-income housing tax credit,” Brady said. “It is also essential to enact comprehensive housing finance reform that safeguards the 30-year mortgage. This pro-housing legislative and regulatory agenda will spur job growth and keep the housing and economic recovery moving forward."
Bellaman said he hoped ABC would find a sympathetic ear in a Trump White House.
“With his background in real estate and development, Trump is very familiar with the obstacles to economic growth ABC members face, including our broken regulatory system, the increasingly difficult challenge of finding affordable health care coverage for employees, a growing shortage of appropriately skilled labor and the highest effective tax rate of any industry,” he said. “We are hopeful that Trump will select judicial nominees that respect the traditional principles of separation of powers, and we urge his administration to implement policies that guarantee a fair and level playing field for all contractors, regardless of labor affiliation, such as prohibiting the government from mandating discriminatory project-labor agreements.”