HVAC Brain, a Cleveland-based retailer of HVAC and refrigeration equipment and replacement parts, has announced that its subsidiary HumidifierCylinders.com has merged with HVACBrain.com.
HumidifierCylinders.com was founded in 2010, and HVAC Brain acquired the company in 2012. For the past six years, HumidifierCylinders.com has operated as an online retailer providing replacement steam cylinders and components for commercial humidification systems by brands like Nortec, Stulz, Trion and Herrmidifier.
“We are very excited that HumidifierCylinders.com is fully migrated with HVACBrain.com now,” said Hiroshi Saito, a co-founder and chief marketing officer of HVAC Brain. “In the past six years, we have served a growing customer base of thousands through HumidifierCylinder.com. With HVAC Brain, we can now better serve those customers. Customers now have access to not only commercial humidifiers such as the Nortez RH2 humidifier, but also 60,000 other commercial HVAC and controls products from more than 100 brands.”
To offer new and returning customers an improved online shopping experience, HVAC Brain redesigned its website in November 2016. Changes to the website include simplified navigation and easy checkout, officials said.