Panel: Duct sealing is a growing opportunity

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — While duct sealing probably isn’t as well-known to the public as other types of HVAC system maintenance, with a growing recognition of its importance in ensuring good indoor air quality and saving energy, it’s an excellent service for duct cleaners to add.
That was the consensus of industry panelists who took part in the National Air Duct Cleaners Association’s March 22 session on duct sealing and building codes at the group’s annual convention at a Walt Disney World resort.
Tim Eorgan of Carlisle HVAC Products, Cole Stanton from Fiberlock Technologies Inc., Aeroseal’s Neal Walsh and Scott Witherow of Design Polymerics joined Mike White, vice president of Clean Air Systems Louisiana Inc., for the hourlong talk. Many contractors have yet to see the business potential of duct sealing, which means it’s an excellent opportunity for NADCA members, the panel said.
“There’s some serious money here, and that’s only expected to grow,” Stanton said. “ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) is putting a lot more emphasis on indoor air quality just at the same time as duct sealing is gaining momentum.”
Witherow agreed.
“It’s a great value-added sale,” he said. You’re already there. Take out the brush, take out the caulk gun or take out a machine and make the sale.”
Design Polymerics makes sealants, adhesives, tapes and other duct sealing products that the company promotes as green HVAC.
The panelists agreed that special attention should be paid to supply and return-air ductwork. They must be sealed. The benefits are quickly apparent.
“When you start sealing up ducts, you really are making the most important part of the HVAC system more efficient,” Witherow said. “If the bedroom is 85 degrees and the living room is 65 degrees, that’s the way to sell duct sealing.”
Design Polymerics makes sealants, adhesives, tapes and other duct sealing products that the company promotes as green HVAC. Walsh said HVAC contractors need to better explain the many benefits of duct sealing to home and business owners.
“When you’re talking to a homeowner or business owner, they want proof,” he said.
Fiberlock Technologies’ Stanton pointed out that a longtime adage applies to duct sealing as well as many other things: Underpromise but overdeliver. Don’t claim that duct sealing can solve problems it can’t fix.
“Overpromising is when you can get the most tripped up,” Stanton said.
The lesson for session attendees? Add duct sealing to your list of services — now.
“It’s eminently doable,” Stanton said. “You should walk out of here feeling empowered.”