Name: Ryan Simpson

Title: On-Call Technician

Why He’s in the Spotlight: You could say Ryan Simpson found his way into the HVAC industry through music.

“I have a curious mind, so as far as professionally goes, [HVAC] is the only thing that’s fulfilled me, motivated me, and kept me curious and on track.”
- Ryan Simpson
on-call technician
Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating

“I was playing music in a band, and one of the cats in the band, his dad had an a/c company,” Simpson, on-call technician with Joplin’s Air Conditioning & Heating, in McKinney, Texas. “And he asked if I wanted some work. So I fell into it that way, and fell in love with it.”

Flash forward 11 years, and Simpson is celebrating his four-year anniversary with Joplin’s.

Before Joplin’s, Simpson took a couple-year hiatus from the HVAC industry during a time when the money was slow. During that time, he worked for a delivery company and graduated from trade school.

“I have a curious mind,” Simpson said. “So as far as professionally goes, [HVAC] is the only thing that’s fulfilled me, motivated me, and kept me curious and on track.”

Simpson enjoys the different challenges the job brings each day, like determining the issues of various pieces of HVAC equipment, as well as being able to help people who need it. He cited the 2021 Texas “snowmageddon” as an example. He spent that time making sure people had warmth in their homes. He does the same when the stakes aren’t as high, with simple residential installations that helps customers not only stay comfortable in their homes, but safe.

“I can confidently say that [Ryan] is one of the most hardworking and dedicated individuals I have had the pleasure of working with,” said Lauren LaTour, marketing and advertising coordinator at Joplin’s. “He always goes the extra mile to ensure that tasks are completed in a timely fashion, is always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it, and is a true team player.”

Simpson is responsible for troubleshooting and problem-solving issues with customer's systems, repairing systems, providing top-notch customer service, and maintaining HVAC systems.

“He consistently excels in all of these tasks and more,” LaTour said.

LaTour decided to nominate Simpson because of the way he exemplifies what it means to be the best of the best.

“He has incredible technical abilities and is always able to solve complex problems with ease and confidence,” LaTour said. “His work ethic is outstanding and he takes great pride in his work, ensuring that the job is done right and to the highest standard.”

Recently, Simpson demonstrated his commitment and dedication to both his job customer’s during Joplin’s busiest season. Which resulted in a job being completed efficiently and to the highest standard.

“One of our technicians was dispatched to a building Ryan was familiar with to address HVAC needs,” LaTour said. “Although Ryan had the option to go home, he saw another technician was struggling to diagnose and resolve an issue and decided to help until the job was finished. His exemplary act of support and sacrifice is a testament to his strong work ethic and commitment to excellence.”

Simpson is an outstanding HVAC technician, yes. But he’s an even better person, according to LaTour. He’s an exceptional friend, husband, and father. A talented musician, hunter, and fisherman always committed to doing what’s right, no matter the situation.

“He sets a remarkable example for everyone around him … his strong work ethic and dedication to his family and community make him a true role model,” LaTour said.

As for Simpson’s future, well, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, if Joplin’s continues to treat him the way they’ve been treating him thus far, he sees himself sticking with the company.

“What will my position be in the future?” Simpson said. “I don’t know — it’s hard to see the future, right? But I plan on working with my hands until I retire and that's my goal: to keep my body healthy to be able to do this day in and day out.”

Advice to Young Techs: For those young techs just starting out, Simpson advises them to keep their noses in as many books as possible in order to learn as much as they can.

“And with those older techs you work with, listen to as much as you can because there's a lot of stuff in between the lines that those books aren't going to teach you,” Simpson said.

For those considering a career in HVAC, Simpson said, “It’s a great field, and it’s an honest one if you work for a good company. You can sleep well at night knowing that you're actually doing real work for real money.”