Company: Emerson

Product: Fisher Fieldvue DPC2K digital process controller (DPC2K)

Description: The Fisher Fieldvue DPC2K digital process controller (DPC2K) can be retrofitted to Fisher Wizard pneumatic controllers, and to pneumatic controllers from other manufacturers for improved closed-loop control and reliability, reduced maintenance, improved safety, and environmental compliance. The DPC2K also provides numerous connectivity options, enabling remote set points, remote access for configuration, monitoring, and other features. Closed loop control is improved with configurable loop types, over 150 units of supported measure, 20-times-per-second (50 milliseconds) scan and update rates, configurable dead band, anti-reset windup, dynamic reset limiting, and other features. These features work together to keep the process variable — typically pressure, flow, level, or temperature — close to set point, along with improved recovery from saturated conditions.

Contact: (512) 832-3774;   

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