ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Research shows that family businesses account for 83.3 million jobs, or 59% of the country’s private workforce. ACCA is enhancing its engagement with two organizations dedicated to protecting family-owned businesses.

ACCA recently joined in support of Family Enterprise USA, a group dedicated to advancing the interests of small, family-owned businesses.

ACCA has also been a strong supporter of the Family Business Coalition, which represents over 150 diverse associations that work to connect legislative decision makers with family business owners and state-based allies.

Family Enterprise USA promotes the creation, growth, viability, and sustainability of family businesses by advocating for them in Washington, D.C. Since 2007, Family Enterprise USA has represented and celebrated all sizes, professions, and industries of family-owned enterprises and multi-generational employers.

“We’re excited to have ACCA and its membership, which are largely family-owned businesses, supporting the efforts of Family Enterprise USA,” said Pat Soldano, president, Family Enterprise USA and the Policy and Taxation Group. “ACCA represents an important segment of America’s family-owned businesses. Family businesses, like those who are members of ACCA, are big business, and our leaders must understand how vital they are to our economy. ACCA will help us get this message out to our legislative leaders.”

The Family Business Coalition monitors and responds to legislation that affects family businesses. Sean Robertson, ACCA’s vice president of membership, advocacy, and events, will serve on the coalition’s advisory board for 2024.

Current key issues for the Family Business Coalition include pushing for a repeal of estate and inheritance taxes (17 states currently impose a state estate or inheritance tax) and limiting the growth of regulations that make compliance cumbersome for business owners. Additionally, the coalition has worked to improve the tax code for family businesses.

“Family businesses represent the heart of ACCA’s member contractors,” said Barton James, ACCA president and CEO. “Everything we do at ACCA is focused on serving our members better and advancing their interests within the regulatory and legislative landscape. We are proud to ally ourselves with like-minded organizations that prioritize the needs of our family business owners.”