U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is leading the charge to assist HVAC contractors in pushing back on the final rule on gas furnace efficiency standards from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). According to the rule, starting in late 2028 newly manufactured gas furnaces will have to be at least 95% efficient. Effectively banning the sale of non-condensing gas furnaces. According to the American Gas Association (AGA), the rule will affect 55% of U.S. households. AGA said per DOE’s own data, DOE’s own data 30% of senior-only households, 26% of low-income households, and 27% of the owners of small businesses will face higher costs as a result of the rule. In response, Cruz introduced a disapproval resolution under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), saying he was concerned that the rule would coerce, “a majority of American households to adopt electric heat pumps or pay thousands of dollars to renovate their homes to meet the requirements of new residential gas furnaces.”

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